Healthy High-protein Snacks

Chia Pudding: Nutrient-rich chia seeds mixed with milk or soy milk, topped with nuts, berries, and cinnamon for a colorful and protein-packed snack.

Edamame: Enjoy protein-rich edamame hot or cold, seasoned with options like sea salt, garlic, ginger, or chili powder for a flavorful snack.

String Cheese and Almonds: Portable and nutritious, combining string cheese with almonds offers protein, filling fats, and fiber for a satisfying snack.

Hard-Boiled Eggs: Simple and convenient, hard-boiled eggs provide protein, vitamins, and minerals, perfect for a quick grab-and-go snack.

Cottage Cheese and Berries: Low-fat cottage cheese paired with sweet berries or savory tomatoes provides a protein-rich snack packed with essential minerals.

Nut Butter on Toast With Banana: Spread nut butter on whole-grain toast, top with banana slices for fiber and vitamins, creating a protein-packed and satisfying snack.

Greek Yogurt Parfait: Nonfat Greek yogurt layered with granola and fresh fruit offers a high-protein snack rich in vitamins and minerals.

Tomato, Feta, Basil, and White Bean Salad: Protein-packed feta and white beans combined with tomatoes, basil, and seasonings create a flavorful and nutritious salad.